My House
Hh – House
This has been a beautiful week playing and exploring with the Pups. When I look back at photos of the Pups from just a few weeks ago, I can see so many changes already! Our Pups are reaching more and more milestones. There are many little ones starting to talk more and understand more language concepts. Often during the day we hear new words pop out of these little ones mouths and myself and the Playful Pups assistants are so proud and happy to experience these very special moments!
It’s been an eventful busy week talking about our different homes and that we get different kinds of homes. I truly believe home is where the heart is, as the saying goes. This week’s art activity the Pups painted a ready cut out cardboard house and we used some ice-cream sticks to make a door and two windows. We however are not sending this activity home as we decided to keep it for out art expo.
As the Pups do most week’s they totally enjoyed yoga with teacher Nicole.
Coach Dave is busy practicing a few activities for our sports day on the 25th of March.
I hope you all have a lovely, relaxed weekend.
See you on Monday!
Next week’s theme is: My Pets
Dates to Diarise:
14 March: Pet Demo
15 March: Haircut Day
20 March: School Holiday
21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)
25 March: EcoKids Sports Day
Lots of love
Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants