My Senses
What a wonderful week we have had exploring our senses! We discussed all our different senses and how important they are to us.
We asked questions like: When you wake up in the morning what are the first things you can See? Hear? Smell? Touch? Taste?
For our art activities we printed a handprint and pasted different objects that you can touch. We also made a noise rattle that they can shake to hear different sounds. We used this shaker to shake while we sang some of our favourite songs on Friday.
Our Pups also got to smell and touch a mint leaf on Monday morning, some of them wanted to eat the leaf, that’s how refreshing the leaf was. He-he!
The Pups enjoyed making their shaker as it helps with fine motor activities as well!. This was a very enjoyable free activity which the kiddies seemed to love.
Yoga class was a big hit again this week, and we only saw smiles the whole time. We can’t wait to see our beautiful pups next week.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Dates to Diarise:
8 Feb: Abacus Parent Training Evening
9 Feb: Bonfire Picnic
12 Feb: CC Term Meeting
14 Feb: Valentine’s Disco (during school)
15 Feb: Haircut Day
20 Feb: Fire Drill
21 Feb: HH Term Meeting
22 Feb: Mid-Term Break Up Day
23 – 26 Feb: Mid Term Break & Camping Weekend
27 Feb: Back to School