Welcome To The Playful Pups Blog


Jul 12, 2024











Ll – Lizard

This week was super busy and exciting! Our Pups were thrilled to be back from holiday after the mid-term. They couldn’t wait to reunite with their friends and meet the new friends who started on Monday. 

 We did lots of fun activities this week. The Pups loved drawing with chalk on the floor, using their imaginations to create pictures. Some drew airplanes, and others drew ice cream—so cute! We also did some colour recognition exercises with Teacher Monette, who called each Pup one by one to show her different colours. They all did amazing! 

 We went all out practicing our concert songs and dance moves for the upcoming concert. I can’t wait to see all our lovely Pups shine on that day! 

For art, we made little geckos using mostly recycled items. We used empty espresso capsules for the gecko’s eyes and ice cream sticks for its legs. The Pups also painted paper plates for the body. It was such a creative and eco-friendly project! 

In yoga, we practiced our reptile poses and focused on spinal twist exercises. These exercises activate the spinal nerves and enhance flexibility and blood circulation. Yay for Yoga Day! 

 We also had a blast with Little Kickers this week, practicing our hand-eye coordination by throwing and catching a ball. The Pups did amazing! 

 A highlight of the week was the reptile show on Wednesday. The Pups couldn’t believe what they saw! Some of them were very brave and touched the reptiles being shown, while others kept their distance but were still very curious. Seeing their big eyes light up as the snakes and spiders came close was definitely something special. 

 Well done, everyone!  

See you on Monday!


 Dates to Diarise

18 July: Nelson Mandela Day

27 July: EcoKids Concert

8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day

9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)

12 August: Holiday Club Starts




Lots of love

Teacher Monette and the Playful Pups Assistants 

Our Pups!

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