Welcome To The Playful Pups Blog


Jul 21, 2023











Nn – Night

This theme we covered over two weeks. The first week we just touched on Space as we were so busy practising and preparing for the concert.  

This is one of the SCHOOL’S favourite themes! We love how much room for exploration and learning there is with this theme. With that being said, Space is a difficult concept to explain to a 2-year-old! It is difficult to get them to understand that they live in a country called South Africa, never mind a planet called Earth, in a galaxy that is bigger than they could ever understand! So, we spent a lot of time talking about things that they do understand because they can SEE them, such as stars, rockets, the moon, and astronauts! We spoke about the planets and the solar system, and we feel that they really did understand the concepts we were trying to get across!  

For our art, this week we created two beautiful space pictures. The first one is a surprise to see but we can tell you it involved marble rolling which the Pups thoroughly enjoyed. The second art activity is the one they brought home. They made a rocket out of shapes the teachers cut the shapes out and we guided the Pups as to where to place their shapes on a black piece of paper. After that we used white paint and a toothbrush to splatter paint over the rocket to look like it was in space and surrounded by stars. 

The concert was a tremendous success and I have to say the Pups were so brave and I am extremely proud of them!

Have a lovely, relaxed weekend.  

See you on Monday!  

Next week’s theme: Dinosaurs 


Keep Warm!


 Dates to Diarise: 

8 Aug: Pyjama Dress Up Day

8 Aug: Break Up Day

9 Aug: Public Holiday

10 Aug: Holiday Club Starts

1 Sept: Holiday Club Ends

6 Sept: Term 3 Starts!



Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

We Love Our Pups To The Moon and Back!

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