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The Farm: Fruit and Vegetables

May 19, 2023


The Farm: Fruit & Vegetables








Vv – Vegetables

The Pups had another great week at school playing, learning and having fun!

This week we learnt about The Farm – Fruits and Vegetables. The Pups got to taste all different kinds of fruit. We played: Guess what this fruit and veg is? And to our surprise our Pups did so well, they could name mostly everything; from the simple names such as apples, grapes, potato to the more difficult such as spinach and broccoli, well done Pups! This is an awesome game to play with your Pup at home, while you are cooking up a storm!

We also spoke about how our fruit and vegetables grow with seeds, soil, water and love!

For art this week, we did some fruit and vegetable stamping. They are just too ADORABLE and we know they are trying their best. We also did some string painting which a good fine motor skill

We concentrated a lot on concert practice this week, listening to and learning our songs.

It’s getting much cooler here and we can definitely feel the icy air here at Ecokids and with Winter being here, along with it comes all the sickies. We are doing whatever we can to teach our Pups that they need to cough in their elbows, not lick their toys and to wash hands as often as possible so that we don’t spread germs! Our Pups are still so tiny so they are the first ones to catch anything flying around in the air which is out of our control. We just need to help them fight against it and let their bodies immune system fight against the germs. Thank you all for keeping your babies at home and sticking to our sick policy, we appreciate it and it helps us fight the spreading of germs. We hope all our Pups who were at home this week are recovering nicely and that they are ready to be back at school next week, we’ve missed them so much!

We are still finding that a lot of clothing hasn’t been labelled, please, PLEASE label everything as we can’t always keep track of who wore what! Items that are not labelled will be put into the lost property box.

We hope you and our Pups have a lovely weekend, keep warm and we will see you back at school on Monday.

Next week’s theme: On the Farm – Farm Animals.

See you at Sports Day tomorrow!


 Dates to Diarise:  

2 June: Hearing Tests

7 June: Haircut Day

15 June: Bike-a-Thon Day

16 June: Youth Day (Public Holiday)

23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day and Break Up Day

26, 27, 28, 29, 30 June: Mid Term Break

3 July: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia and the Playful Pups Assistants

Our ha-PEA children!

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