Winter, Temperatures, Fire & Ice
Triangle & Pyramid
Ww – Winter
We had the most amazing last week of school before mid-term started! This week, we explored fire and ice, learning that fire is hot, hot, hot, and ice is cold, cold, cold. The Pups understood these ideas perfectly. We also learned about opposites, which they picked up so well, making me super proud of them.
For our art project, we made adorable polar bears using stuffing for their fur, and the Pups knew exactly where to put the stuffing on the bears’ bodies. We also worked on our art expo projects during this busy week. The Pups had fun with fine motor activities, sitting together on the carpet and enjoying threading exercises, showing off their amazing skills once again.
For Yoga this week we did:
Foot Rolling
Our prop for the day was a drumstick, we sat in boat pose and by using our feet and core muscles, we rolled the stick backwards and forwards.
First we rolled the stick with hands on our knees, then behind our back and lastly with our hands on our head.
Even with all the learning, we practiced our concert songs and dance moves for our upcoming performance. It’s so impressive how well the Pups can move their little bodies! We ended the week with some fun activities, which I shared in a video on the class group. This was truly the best way to wrap up our week!
I hope you enjoy reading the Pups’ reports. I am incredibly proud of how they have developed into wonderful little individuals since I first met them at the beginning of the year! I’m so excited to see what the rest of the year has in store for us as a class. I love each and every one of you!
I hope everyone has an amazing mid-term holiday!
Have a wonderful Mid-Term break!
Dates to Diarise
8 July: Back To School
11 July: Haircut Day
12 July: Reptile Day
18 July: Nelson Mandela Day
27 July: EcoKids Concert
8 August: Pyjama Dress Up Day & Break Up Day
9 August: Public Holiday (National Women’s Day)
12 August: Holiday Club Starts
Lots of love
Teacher Monette and the Playful Pups Assistants