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Autumn, Birds, Migration, Easter

Mar 28, 2024


Autumn, Birds, Migration & Easter




Cross, Oval & Octagon


10 & Recap



Oo – Oval

IB Principle: Risk – Takers – This week the Squad learnt all about taking risks and what sets apart the risks from being smart or not. Sometimes in life we feel that we are making the wrong choices, but it is out of fear, and they turn out to be great opportunities. Life is about taking risking and putting ourselves out there.  

Writing and Phonics: We have officially completed writing our individual letters of the alphabet in our writing books using the cat method – we will be spending the next two weeks before the holidays, practicing our letter formation. We have seen that the children are rounding the letters in the opposite direction, and we would like to see them perfecting these motions so that when we start writing sentences in Term 2 – they feel more confident. We encourage more practice on the home front because practice makes perfect. Keep it up Squad! 

Mathematics: This week the Squad worked on placing numbers before and after to 10 – they were asked to cut and paste from a worksheet and then colour the number mittens in. Along with this – we went over our counting forwards and backwards. We are slowly grasping counting in 5s and 10s but are happy to report that they know their skip counting very well!  

Creative Art: For art this week we completed some lovely Easter pieces which will be taken home. They made a pop-up bunny from a cup and straws (created independently but with some guidance). They also made an Easter card which they wrote themselves and also stuck some pasta into patterns and painted it. Remember – some bunny loves you! 

FunFit Sports: Coach Trevor had set out an obstacle course which involved running, tunnel crawling, monkey bars and spider web climbing. Well, done Squad! 

Music: Teacher Katy has been practicing our concert songs with the children and working through pronunciation of each work and annunciating each word. 

Wishing you all a lovely weekend. 

Are your alarm clocks set for the Easter Bunny on Sunday morning folks?


 Dates to Diarise:

29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Break Up Day

12 April: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

Our Happy Squad!

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