My House
Hh – House
This week we spoke about our homes and how all our homes are different. We covered the different types of rooms in a home and what each room is used for. We also had Baker Baker, which the kids were so excited about!
Writing and Phonics: We recapped our 3 letters from last week and then introduced the next three letters for the week. We introduced, V, W and X. We spoke about objects that begin with those letters and we sang our phonics songs. We continue to go over our sight words; look, at, me, in, here, she, he, the, on, it, is, I. We played blue vs red team where the children had to identify our sight words. The children are remembering and reading them so well. We are so proud of them! For our handwriting lesson we did some finger warm up activities and then went over the correct formation of those letters on our white boards. Once the children had grasped the concept of the correct formation, we moved onto our writing books where the children traced those three letters using our writing “cats”. We did a comprehension based on “The Three Little Pigs”. We read the story to the children and then asked questions based on the sequence of events of the story. In order to reiterate our phonetical sounds the children where then given a worksheet with different pictures from the story and had to identify the beginning sound of each picture. This was a great listening and phonics activity. Please can we ask parents to reiterate the phonetical letter sounds at home.
Maths: We recapped simple addition up to 10 and did some concrete examples with blocks to reiterate the concept of addition. Once we had done a few examples on the mat, we moved onto some bookwork. The children had simple addition sums up to 10 in their workbooks that they had to complete. We also practiced our number formation and recognition on the deck where the children were given paintbrushes and water and practiced their number formation by painting them on the deck. They had a lot of fun with this!
Art & Life Skills: We spoke about taking responsibility for our belongings and how we can look after our belongings as well as the school toys/books etc. For art this week, we used blocks to create a house. We also made a house using popsicle sticks and the children drew a picture of their family inside the house.
It has been a great week.
See you all next week!
Next Week's Theme:
My Pets
Please remember to send us a picture of your pet!
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: 16 March
Bonfire Picnic: 18 March
Human Rights Day: 21 March (Public Holiday)
Lots of love
Teacher Amber, Teacher Carla and the Smart Squad Assistants