My House
Hh – House
Writing and Phonics: This week we added two brand new sight words – “she” and “he”. We also completed handwriting on our next three letters “S”, “T” and “U”. The Squad are getting the hang of writing in their lined books and are also doing well with keeping finger spaces between their letters. We also practiced writing our sight words on white boards and letter formation from A-Z.
Maths: Our mathematics lesson this week we reiterated addition to 10. We also had a jumping frog worksheet where the children had to show how the frog jumps along the number line – they comprehended this very well and we were so pleased to see how they are grasping this concept. We have also been practicing counting in 2s, 5s, and 10s.
Life Skills: “open-minded”- we practiced allowing the children to think up different ways that we all think. We are unique and it is important to see that we are all beautiful in our own ways. By being open-minded we are able to see others for who they are and not by what they look like.
Art: For Art this week we prepared a special piece that we will be keeping for the Art Expo. The Squad made their very own home and drew the different rooms along with decorating their houses.
Afrikaans: For Afrikaans this week went over farm animals and the different sounds that certain letters make in Afrikaans in comparison to English such as the ‘v’ and ‘f’.
Cooking & Music: For cooking this week, we took the Squad to the kitchen, and they cracked eggs, whisked them, and also dipped their bread in order to make French toast which they had for snack. They love visiting the kitchen and seeing Chef Thembi, along with being responsible for making food. Well done! For Music this week, we have introduced two brand new songs which will be used for concert.
It has been a great week.
Dates to Diarise:
14 March: Pet Demo
15 March: Haircut Day
20 March: School Holiday
21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)
25 March: EcoKids Sports Day
Lots of love
Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants