My Senses
The children love this theme and we had a great time together! This week we spoke about our 5 senses. Each day we spoke about a different sense and did an activity based on that sense. Here’s what we got up to this week.
Writing & Phonics: This week we recapped our 3 letters from last week and then introduced the next three letters for the week. We introduced Dd, Ee and Ff. We spoke about objects that begin with those letters. We sang our phonics song and played a game to reiterate our letters learnt. We put objects on the floor and the children had to place those objects on the right letter called out. In handwriting we did some finger warm up activities and then went over the correct formation of those letters on our white boards. Once the children had grasped the concept of the correct formation, we moved onto our writing books where the children traced those three letters using our writing cats.
Maths: In Maths we spoke about patterns. We collected some objects found in nature and created our own Reggio patterns on the mat. We also spoke about the shape of the week and the properties of a square. We then found different square objects in the classroom and traced those in our Maths books. The children then coloured their squares in yellow to reiterate the colour of the week.
Art & Life Skills: We spoke about our 5 senses and how each sense serves a very important purpose. The children made their own ‘Senses’ books and each day we covered one of the 5 senses and did an activity based on that sense in this book. For our sense of smell, we had different spices and essential oils for the children to smell. The children then created their own spice flower painting in their books. For our sense of touch, we had a “feelings box” where the children had to place their hand inside and describe what they felt. We spoke about different textures and then the children had to choose different textures to stick inside their senses book. For our sense of hearing, we played different sounds and the children had to use their listening ears to identify the sound. They then cut, coloured and stuck an ear inside their senses book and created their own little bells to stick on top of the ear. The children really enjoyed our last sense; our sense of taste. We brought in different foods for the children to try and they had to decide if it was salty, sweet, sour, bitter or spicy. The children were then given magazines and had to cut and stick their favourite types of food in their senses book.
It has been a great week!
See you all next week.
Next week’s theme is: Health and Hygiene
Taking in the beauty!
For our sense of sight, we went for a walk around the school and took in all the beauty. The children had to then draw their favourite thing they saw on their walk inside their book.
Dates to Diarise:
Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb
(no school, no Holiday Club)
Lots of love
Teacher Amber, Teacher Carla and the Smart Squad Assistants