Welcome To The Smart Squad Blog

Wild Animals

May 27, 2022


Wild Animals




Square & Cube





Z z- Zebra

Who knows what a group of giraffe is called? Let us know on the class WhatsApp group!

This week was eventful and full of wonderful moments. The Squad even had the chance to go on a tractor ride! They were buzzing with excitement and could not stop talking about how bumpy it was. So much fun! We are busy completing assessments and will be doing so over the next three weeks. Please could we ask that your child is only absent if they are sick because we complete these assessment activities throughout the school day. We thank you in advance. The concert is around the corner, and we have also been practicing so that we are ready to sing our hearts out!

Writing and Phonics: We started simple sentence reading and writing this week. It was unbelievable to see how confident these little Squad members were. We are so proud of how much they have learned and how quickly they are able to recognise the words, and then read them out loud. Great work, everybody! We also completed an ‘ag’ word family worksheet where the children had to match the word with the picture, they are getting good with this!

Maths: In Maths this week, we practiced counting and recapping our addition and subtraction methods. We then took these skills and applied them by completing sums in our workbooks. Well done Smart Squad, you are super stars with this!

 Life Skills: What a lovely moral-conscious theme to discuss this week. We introduced this by showing kindness to each other and having manners. We then branched off and said that when we help others, we are showing them love and therefore filling their buckets up with love. They really loved the analogy and then practiced helping each other for the remainder of the week.

Art: The art activity this week is a surprise. We will be revealing these lovely group creations at the Art Expo. A little hint: the creations are simply out of this world and ‘’ROARsome”.

 It has been a great week!

See you all next week.



All good things are WILD and FREE!

 Dates to Diarise:

Haircut Day: 8 June

Hearing Tests: 13 June

Bike-a-Thon: 15 June

Public Holiday: 16 June

School Holiday: 17 June

Book Character Dress Up Day & Break Up Day: 24 June

Mid Term Week Break: 27 June (no school, no Holiday Club)

Back to School: 4 July


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

Our Young Wild and Free Squaders!

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