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Autumn, Migration, Birds, Easter

Mar 28, 2024


Autumn, Birds, Migration & Easter




Cross & Oval





Oo – Oval

Wow, just like that, Easter has arrived, where has the time gone??

We started off this week chatting about Easter. This is such a wonderful time of year, and the children got even more excited when we told them about the surprise that we had planned for today. We went on an Easter egg hunt! The Hoppers hopped into action and found so many Easter eggs. This was so much fun.  

To reinforce our shape of the week, the children were given an oval shape to colour in a patterned Easter egg that we made an Easter card from, this was a fun fine motor activity. Cooking was equally fun as the Hoppers made an Easter basket from rice Krispies and melted marshmallows and put them into cupcake holders and added some chocolate speckled eggs on top. 

To incorporate Autumn into this week we all went on a nature walk to have a look at all the trees and look for autumn colour leaves. We just love going on nature walks around our beautiful school.  

We made Easter Egg baskets; these came out so cute. We cut old cold drink bottles in half and pasted pieces of pastel colours of paper onto the basket. We then added some ears, whiskers, a nose, and a tail and lastly ribbon for a handle. We hope our Hoppers use these to collect their eggs from the Easter bunny! 

At FunFit Sports the Hoppers had a short obstacle course to follow. They had to climb the monkey bars and then climb a ladder, after that climb through the netting tunnel and then down the slide. They all had a turn to start Coach Trevor’s stopwatch before they started.   

Happy Easter to our Happy Hoppers families, have a safe a blessed weekend. 

Much love  

Are your alarm clocks set for the Easter Bunny on Sunday morning folks?


 Dates to Diarise:

29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Break Up Day

12 April: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher Cecilia, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our Happy Hoppers!

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