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Cooking and Food

Nov 11, 2022


Cooking & Food




Rectangular Prism / Recap





Cc – Cooking; Ff – Food


Cooking is always a fun theme, and the children just love it. They love engaging in free role-play cooking and they cooked up a storm using our classroom kitchen and utensils.

We have been working on letter recognition and have been singing Jolly phonic songs to reinforce this. To reinforce our letter of the week we did a playdough activity with the letter Cc, keep practicing Hoppers. 

During the week we made all sorts of delicious food and treats, on Tuesday we made yummy ham and cheese pizza. Our Hoppers rolled the dough, added some tomato sauces, showed off their cutting skills by cutting some ham, and then sprinkled some cheese on top. All our Hoppers enjoyed their pizzas.

During Cooking on Wednesday this week with Chef Nombuso, we made Healthy energy balls with a bit of a treat. The Hoppers got to mix all the ingredients (Oats, oil, milk, cocoa powder, a little bit of honey, and the best part smartiesJ). They then rolled them into little balls, and we packaged them in brown paper bags.

On Thursday our Hoppers got to make healthy fruit salad for their snack.  The Hoppers cut up apples, bananas, strawberries, and grapes. Our children worked so independently and carefully with butter knives to cut up all the fruit. Well done to all of them!

 We spoke about food and asked the Hoppers what their favourite food is; pizza and hamburgers seemed to be winners.  We learned how to prepare the foods and how to cook them. We learned all about the kitchen, utensils, cooking and braai safety.

 It has been a great week.

Our theme next week will be Shops and Shopping.

Have a safe and lovely weekend!


We Wanna Know ...

Are you a SWEET or a SAVORY person?


 Dates to Diarise: 

Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day

16 Nov – HH Outing

18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day

22 Nov – SS Graduation

25 Nov – CC & SS Outing

5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School

6 Dec – Christmas Party

7 Dec – Break Up Day


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Master Hoppers!

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