Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog


Oct 25, 2022












What an amazing busy two weeks we had to prepare for our Art Expo!

We started our week talking about what fantasy is, this is such a fun theme as we can let our imaginations run wild. We spoke about princesses, fairies, pirates, and of course magical unicorns!

During the week we finished off all our pieces for the Art Expo and made our mystical fireflies, we stuck pieces of gold paper on paper to make the wings and head. We then stuck the wings and head into a small plastic bottle, and added eyes, and black pipe cleaners for the antennae. These look so cute and for our finishing touch, we put glow sticks inside them to make them glow.

The next art piece we worked on was our forest leaves for the “Land of Happiness”. We painted toilet rolls yellow, sponge painted our leaves in beautiful glittery green, yellow and orange paint. The leaves were then stuck onto the toilet roll and we added eyes and cute little faces. To finish these off went on a nature walk to collect some acorns to stick to the bottom of our leaves. Who know leaves could look so cute! 😊

FunFit Sport – 10 October

At FunFit Sports this week the Hoppers did some catching, throwing and rolling! Coach Dave also gave them challenges like asking the Hoppers to throw the ball as high as they can or test how quickly they can react when Coach Dave asked them to catch the ball. They all did such an amazing job, well done Happy Hoppers!!! 

 FunFit Sport – 17 October

At FunFit Sports this week the Hoppers tackled the jungle gym! Coach Dave gave each Hopper a different activity to do, testing listening skills! All of the Hoppers followed the instructions so well and had lots of fun!

 Yoga Day! – 11 October “Broken Yoga Pose” is the same concept as Broken Telephone. The yogis managed to pass the correct message along in the 2nd round. We then finished off with our breathing exercises.

 Yay Yay YOGA!!  – 18 October

This week was something completely different. We played Blind Yoga.

Teacher Yoga was blindfolded and each yogi had to move around very quietly until she said freeze. Standing still in Mountain pose the yogis weren’t allowed to make a noise, they were however allowed to duck down into frog pose, child pose, resting pose or any other pose so as not to be touched otherwise they were out but they were not allowed to move their feet. The concept of this exercise was for the yogis to be still, silent, listen, follow rules and build up self-control (which at times was very difficult) By the sounds of the loud laughing and shouting “again again again”  it proved to be a big hit and the kids had a fun morning!

 We had an amazing two weeks and the Art Expo was a beautiful evening, thank you to all of you who were able to join us!

 Have a wonderful week!



Anyone else got post Art Expo depression?


 Dates to Diarise: 

Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC): 27 Oct

Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS): 28 Oct

Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our MAGICAL Boys and Girls!

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