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Insects and Bees

Sep 30, 2022


Insects & Bees






13 & Recap



Ii – Insects

Dear Hopper Parents,

 We started our week working on our fine motor and tracing skills with an insect worksheet. The children had to trace on the lines and colour in their insects. Such beautiful colouring in Hoppers! 

 Our Happy Hoppers created the most beautiful bees! They stuck on sticky eyes, painted their bodies and then painted on stripes and created beautiful glitter wings.

We also made hexagon shaped beehives for our bees by stamping painted bubble wrap with a glittery honey colour onto the hexagon. These look so amazing and we will be keeping our bee art for Art Expo.

 For cooking this week, Chef Nombuso made delicious crumpets. Our Hoppers turned their crumpets into cute insects by cutting the crumpet in half for wings and making the body with grapes and the feelers out of apple. These went down really well!

 We ended off this week working on our gross motor skills by doing insect movements. We hopped like grasshoppers, flapped our wings like butterflies and crawled on the ground like ants and beetles.

 It has been a great week.

Next week’s theme is Frogs and Ponds, Rivers and Dams.

Wishing you all an awesome weekend.



What is your favourite insect?


 Dates to Diarise: 

Haircut Day: 5 Oct

Break Up Day & Art Expo: 20 Oct

Mid-Term Break: 21 – 24 Oct

Back to School: 25 Oct

Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC): 27 Oct

Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS): 28 Oct



Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Our BEEutiful Hoppers!

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