Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog

Me and My Body

Jan 26, 2024


Me and My Body










I can’t believe we are already in the second week of our first term. 

Our Happy Hoppers have really been so impressive with how they have all settled down so quickly and into our routine. We still have a few tears in the mornings, but they don’t last very long at all. 

This has been a remarkably busy week as we started with our intramurals this week like Yoga and FunFit sports.  At yoga, this week the new Happy Hoppers met Teacher Nicole for the first time. The Hoppers also met Coach Trevor our FunFit sports coach. At FunFit sports Coach Trevor played a colour matching game with the Hoppers. 

Our art activity was so much fun – the Hoppers made a body with different shapes. The teachers cut out the shapes and the Hoppers glued their shapes to form bodies. We did some baking this week. The Hoppers made a Marie biscuit face with icing sugar and sweets.  

It has really been a tremendous start to the beginning of our year with lots of activities enjoyed by all. 

Just a few reminders: 

Remember to read our Sunday message. 

Please remember to send back your library books. 

Please label everything you send to school. 

Remember show and tell on a Friday and this is theme related. 

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Have a wonderful weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

1 Feb: SS Term Meeting

8 Feb: Abacus Parent Training Evening

12 Feb: CC Term Meeting

14 Feb: Valentine’s Disco (during school)

15 Feb: Haircut Day

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: HH Term Meeting

22 Feb: Mid-Term Break Up Day

23 – 26 Feb: Mid Term Break & Camping Weekend

27 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Katy, Teacher Cecilia and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Busy Bodies!

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