Welcome To The Happy Hoppers Blog

My Emotions and Valentine’s Day

Feb 16, 2024


My Emotions & Valentine’s Day


Red, Pink, White







Ll Love

This week we spread the love with our theme “My Emotions,” especially with-it being Valentine’s Day on Wednesday! 

Our Hoppers had a fun week speaking about love and why we love our mommies, daddies, our families, and friends and even our pets. We also spoke about our feelings and the different emotions we may feel from time to time. We coloured in happy, sad, and angry faces, which we made mood charts, these came out amazing and we encourage you to please use them at home, hang them up somewhere and let your Hoppers show you how they are feeling, this is a fantastic way for children to express their feelings. 

On Wednesday we celebrated Valentine’s Day with our Valentine’s Disco. Our Hoppers had so much fun dancing and showing off their great dance moves!

Happy Hoppers Yoga Day on Friday was so much fun. 

Our songs for the week:  

🐰If You Love Yoga And You Know It (If You Are Happy And You Know It)  and we did tree, warrior, lion, and tortoise poses. 

🐰Sitting On The Floor – which is a song about fun movements to do whilst sitting on the floor.  

We finished off with quiet time  

Our Hoppers just LOVE our songs 🎵 

For our Art, this week we made a beautiful card and a special present for Valentines Day, the Hoppers put a lot of love and hard work into this activity. 

Please remember not to send any toys to school from home. 

Remember to label all belongings.   

It has been a wonderful week filled with lots of love, laughs and happiness. 

Next week our theme is Health Hygiene Manners and Etiquette. 




Have a wonderful weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: HH Term Meeting

22 Feb: Mid-Term Break Up Day

23 – 26 Feb: Mid Term Break & Camping Weekend

27 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Katy, Teacher Cecilia and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

Love Is In The Air!

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