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My Emotions and Valentine’s Day

Feb 17, 2023


My Emotions & Valentine’s Day


Pink, Red, White







Ll – Love

This week we spread the love with our theme of “My Emotions”, especially with it being Valentine’s Day on Tuesday. We started the week of love off by reinforcing our shape and colour of the week. To show how much we love our parents we created a paper-weight love rock, our Hoppers chose a pebble and made two thumbprints to look like a heart.

Our children had a great week speaking about love and why we love our mommy’s, daddy’s, our families, and friends. We also spoke about our feelings and the different emotions we may feel from time to time. We coloured in happy, sad, and angry faces, which we made mood charts, these came out amazing and we encourage you to please use them at home, hang them up somewhere and let your Hoppers show you how they are feeling, this is a great way for children to express their feelings.

On Tuesday we celebrated Valentine’s Day with Valentine’s disco. Our Hoppers had so much fun dancing and it was a great way to get rid of some energy due to all the rain we have had over the last few days.

Our Hoppers had so much fun making Valentine’s Day cards, we used resistance art, the Hoppers called it “Magic Painting”. We drew with a white wax crayon on a white piece of paper and the Hoppers used watercolour paint to paint over it, and this is when the magic happened!

Music was so much fun this week, we have started to practice some concert songs…how exciting… We can’t wait for this special day.

Happy Hoppers Yoga Day, We celebrated Valentine’s day by singing 🎶 and dancing along to our “Boom-a-chika-boom Valentine’s Song” we spelled out VALENTINE by doing yoga poses for each letter and ended off with a Valentine’s version of Baby Shark before listening to dolphin sounds for quiet time

The weather pushed us inside for FunFit Sports but definitely did not put a damper on our session! The Happy Hoppers showed off their jumping skills by playing some hopscotch and had to complete different movements when jumping from one hula hoop to the next. Well done, Hoppers!

It has been a great week filled with lots of love and happiness.

Next week our theme is Safety.

Have a safe and lovely weekend.




We just loved boogying with you!


 Dates to Diarise: 

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: Curious Crew Term meeting

24 – 27 Feb: Mid Term Break

28 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Kate-Lynn, Teacher Katy and the Happy Hoppers Assistants

We ADORE our Hoppers!

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