My School, My Class, My Teachers
Welcome to our 2022 Happy Hoppers and Hopper Parents, and a very warm welcome to our new Hoppers: Ariyana, Hazel, Luca, Matthew and Xara and their lovely parents! We are all so happy that you have joined our amazing EcoFamily and hope that your journey with us will be a memorable one!
We have had such a great first week back at school with the Happy Hoppers. Naturally, the first few weeks are going to be an adjustment for the children to get back into routine, but all of our Hoppers have settled in so comfortably already! Becoming a Hopper is a big step from Busy Bugs and we are so proud of how easily our children have adjusted. Not only are we proud of our kiddies, but we are also so proud of our parents during drop off time. We understand how difficult it is for all our moms and dads to “drop and go”, but you have all done an amazing job! The Hoppers have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know their new friends, playing with their old buddies and getting to know their teachers.
This week our theme was: My School, My Classroom and My Teachers. We have spent this week getting to know each other and getting the children back into the classroom routine after a nice long holiday. Our Hoppers shared what they got up to in their holidays and we also spoke about our school, the name of our school, our classroom rules and what our classroom is called. We are incredibly proud of how well the children listened to their teachers and just loved seeing how eager they all were to ask and answer questions during our Ring Time.
To wrap up our exciting week, the Hoppers made adorable “First Week as a Hopper” apple artworks! They enjoyed creating these because they had the opportunity to get messy by sponge painting paper plates. During this activity, the children learnt that the paper plates were circular for our shape, and red for our colour. We went on a nature walk to collect sticks for the stalks for our apples!
Have a wonderful and restful weekend!
Wakey Wakey!
On the first day of school we jumped straight into an activity, where the kiddies got to ‘wake up’ their tripod grip, and colour in a “First Day of School” picture.
We are learnt about the colour ‘red’ this week and for our art activity we created a “I am special” heart, where we used our fine motor skills to tear pieces of red paper to stick inside our heart.
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day – 19 January
Bonfire Picnic – 28 January
(weather permitting)
Lots of love
Teacher Alexia, Teacher Kate-Lyn and the Happy Hoppers Assistants