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Under The Sea

Nov 1, 2024


Under The Sea


Dark Blue







Uu – Under

What a fun two weeks we had learning all about the creatures under the sea. All with a well-deserved break in-between.  

The Happy Hoppers was very busy this week with all fine and gross motor activities. They did so well with their pencil control with the fun under the sea activity. They loved moving their body to the jelly fish song and for art they made some magic with a starfish salt painting. The amazement the showed when the saw how the salt lets the food colouring spread was so fun to watch. 

We were so proud of the Hoppers showing patience with the tortoise race. And the great posture they displayed. The picked up the instructions of the activity very quickly and understood that slow and steady wins the race! 

For yoga, this week The Happy Hoppers worked on picture and pose association once again. There were a variety of pictures with animals and transport. Some pictures have numbers 1-5; we did various breath work according to the number. The Hoppers matched or poses according to the pictures, lion, elephant, monkey, crocodile, motorcycle, train, dolphin, and eagle. We ended our session with 3 minutes of relaxing time. 

We are looking forward Mommy/Daddy and Me Yoga next week … see you there!

Weekend ... SHELL YEAH!


 Dates to Diarise:

6 Nov: Haircut Day

7 Nov: Mommy/Daddy & Me Yoga

8 Nov: Mommy/Daddy & Me Yoga

13 Nov: Shopping Activity (during school)

15 Nov: CC Entrepreneur Market

18 Nov: HH Outing

20 Nov: SS Graduation (tbc)

22 Nov: CC & SS Outing

27 Nov: Carols By Candlelight

3 Dec: Magic Show (during school)

4 Dec: Christmas Party (during school0

5 Dec: Break Up Day





Lots of love

Teacher C, Teacher Yolandie and the Happy Hoppers Assistants 

Our Hoppers!

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