Building, Construction & Factories
Cc – Conveyor Belt
What a fun-filled week! The Squad loved this theme because we built tall buildings and then they pushed them over to make a crashing noise! The boys were in their element!
Writing and Phonics: The Squad completed the lower-case letters this week. Firstly, we went over the sounds of the alphabet and then the children traced them. They did this so well! The next worksheet that we completed was based on the five vowels: a,e,i,o,u. We introduced this last week and reiterated them this week – the Squad really have been working hard and even though this is a difficult concept to grasp, the Squad have really impressed us! The children completed words by adding a vowel in the middle, choosing the correct one to make the word sound correct. For example, they added ‘i’ in the word pig and so forth. Parents can practice this at home by sounding the words out and letting your child tell you which one is the vowel. You can really get creative with this.
Maths: We covered the concept of measurement. So, the Squad had the chance to play with rulers and go around the classroom measuring the items. We then introduced a worksheet that uses cubes of measurement. The children had to count how many cubes covered the item. They understood this quite well and we are so proud of them! We also covered counting to 50, counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This is very tricky, but we know with practice, the Squad will be able to do it!
Life Skills: Don’t joke about serious things! We explained to the children that it is so important to know when something is serious and when something is funny. We can joke about little things but then we must know when to stop.
Art: This week we completed a lovely ‘invitation to create.’ The children were given a blank piece of paper and different shapes, they had to maneuver these shapes to create the buildings that they wanted. We had lovely buildings, big and small. The Squad are so creative!
Sight Words: look, at, me, in, here, on, she, he, the, it, is, I, play & we
It has been a lovely week, see you all on Monday. Enjoy the weekend!
A Note from Teacher Amber
It has been a privilege getting to know these special children and they have wormed their way into my heart. I am so sad I won’t be here to watch them graduate. I am going to miss you all so much, but I know the SS are left in the best hands. Good luck for the rest of the year.
Lots of love, Teacher Amber.
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: TBC
Sports Day: 9 April
Break Up Day: 13 April
Lots of love
Teacher Amber, Teacher Carla and the Smart Squad Assistants