Welcome To The Smart Squad Blog


Oct 11, 2024




Rainbow, Black & Dark Grey


Recap, Star, Crescent





Mm – Mystical

IB Principle: Risk Takers – We explained to the Squad that being a risk taker is like being a brave adventurer! It means trying new things, even if they might not work out. When you take risks, you learn and grow, and sometimes you discover amazing things about yourself and the world around you. Imagine if you never tried riding a bike or swimming because you were afraid of falling or getting wet? You would miss out on so much fun! Taking risks helps you build confidence, make new friends, and find new passions. It’s okay to make mistakes – that’s how we learn! So, don’t be afraid to take a chance, try something new, and see where it takes you. You might just discover something amazing! 

Writing and Phonics: This week, the Squad focused on the ‘eg’ and ‘ig’ word families. They demonstrated their understanding by tracing words that end with the ‘ap’ sound, matching words to corresponding pictures, and writing sentences in their workbooks using these words. It’s impressive to see how their handwriting skills have improved, with noticeable advancements in letter formation and finger spacing. They’re also showing a great understanding of word structure such as placing them in the correct part of the “cats”. Keep up the excellent work, squad! 

Mathematics: This week we practiced counting in multiples of 2, 5, and 10, as well as counting backwards from 30. Please continue to reinforce this skill at home. We also practiced subtraction and addition sums on the white boards.  

Creative Art: We have been working hard on our art pieces for Art Expo! Saddle up and join us for an unforgettable night, we can’t wait for you to see the Squads tremendous efforts they have put into their artwork throughout the year! 


Let us know on your class WhatsApp groups folks ... Are you part of the Indian TRIBE ... or do you with the Cowboys RIDE?


 Dates to Diarise:

18 Oct: Art Expo

24 Oct: Break Up Day

25-28 Oct: Mid Term Break

29 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants 

Our Squad!

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