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My Pet

Mar 17, 2023


My Pet









Pp – Pets

Writing and Phonics: The Squad worked hard on remembering their two new sight words for the week “dog, cat”.  For handwriting we traced the letters “v, w, x, y, z” and then wrote them independently. Our sight words to date are: “a, am, look, at, me, in, here, can, I, dog, cat” – Please continue to practice these at home.

Mathematics: This week we completed subtraction sums up to 10, the Squad grasped this very well and we are so proud of them! The Squad then completed a dot-to-dot worksheet where they had to join the numbers in the correct order to form the picture. We also continued to practice counting 1-30 and backwards from 30 as well as count in 2’s and 5’s. Lastly we had a worksheet where the children bounced in two’s and connected the dots to count in 2’s.

Creative Art: The squad made their very own dogs and cats by cutting out the bodies, heads, ears, paws, mouth, eyes, and tail. They were super impressed by the result.

Music and Cooking: On Tuesday for cooking the squad made dog treats using flour, salt, stock cubes, water and food colouring. They mixed, measured, and used cookie cutters. They thoroughly enjoyed this.

For music the Squad learnt about different types off music genres and how you can determine the difference by listening to the instruments, styles, and rhythm.

Afrikaans: For afrikaans this week the Squad completed a colour wheel where they had to colour in certain days of the week such as “gister was dit” “vandag is” and “môre is dit”.

Moral Conscious: For our moral conscious theme ‘principles” focusing on the IB Principles, we explained to the squad that honesty is the best policy and that we must respect our friends and act with a strong sense of fairness and integrity as well as they must take responsibility for their own actions and the consequences that accompany them.

FunFit Sports: Coach Dave did a run through with the Squad for the sports day on the 25th of March, everyone did an amazing job and are very excited.

We hope you have a lovely long weekend and see you all next week Wednesday.




We Wanna Know ... Are you a Dog or a Cat Person?


 Dates to Diarise:  

20 March: School Holiday

21 March: Public Holiday (Human Rights Day)

25 March: EcoKids Sports Day


Lots of love

Teacher Carla, Teacher Hayley and the Smart Squad Assistants

Happy Squad!

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