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Autumn, Birds, Migration and Easter

Mar 28, 2024


Autumn, Birds, Migration & Easter




Cross & Oval





Oo – Oval

We have loved exploring this special theme with the children. The concept of “real” Easter is quite a difficult one to teach the children as the story isn’t appropriate for our children just yet. 

So instead we spent our time having lots of tales of the Easter bunny and how he brings us the yummy chocolate eggs we eat at Easter time to remember the real meaning of Easter! He looks different to each of our children – depending on who you ask. Some think he is big like a man (typical of the Easter bunnies you see in malls at this time for photo opportunities) and he hops around the garden hiding eggs for a fun Easter egg hunt on Sunday morning! Other children have an idea that the Easter Bunny is a real bunny that “lays” Easter eggs. How cute?! We loved hearing the excitement in their voices when they spoke about the Easter eggs they are expecting and the happy, hopping bunny who brings them! Spending time with children all day makes us see the magic in all the small things, and the wonder in events that as adults we take for granted. 

Another thing we spoke about this week was autumn, as the weather has definitely taken a cold turn! Winter is well on the way and after a long, hot summer, it is very cute to see the children coming to school in jackets and beanies again. They look adorable. On that note parents please make sure your child has an appropriate change of clothes in their bags for any accidents that may occur. In winter, sleeves get wet when children attempt to wash their hands but forget to pull up their sleeves and then having wet sleeves is very uncomfortable. Please add an extra long top, an extra jacket/jersey and an extra pair of socks – all labelled obviously. At this time of the year we experience a LOT of missing and lost property as children tend to undress themselves on the playground when they get warm while running around and then they leave it out there. At clean up time it is collected but if most of items are not marked, we simply can’t keep track of every child’s clothes. Please send us a beanie in the new term for use during play time. 

As the leaves start turning even more, please take the opportunity to collect some from your garden and maybe do an art piece with your child during the holidays. We spoke about, now that it’s colder, the leaves on the trees fall off and turn yellow orange and brown as the tree goes to “sleep” for the winter. Some trees stay green, and these trees are called “evergreen”. The oak trees on Great North road are a sight to be seen when all the leaves start changing colour. Keep an eye out and collect some differently shaped leaves, give your child a cereal box and some glue and let them create something for you. You will be amazed at what they are capable of. 


For our art activities this week, we made beautiful Easter cards by water colour painting onto an egg drawn in white crayon to create a magic Easter egg for the front of our card. 

We also made adorable little power paint dipped Easter decorations. 

We also made the most adorable “newspaper stuffed, plastic bag Bunnies”. The Bugs got to squash the newspaper into balls, stuff them into a plastic bag that the teachers then tied up with elastics. 

Have a very blessed and happy Easter, and have a wonderful and restful holiday. If you are going away, please travel safely and enjoy yourselves, and come back rested and refreshed! Keep warm and germ free! 


This week’s secret question: How do you eat your marshmallow eggs? 

  1. Frozen 
  1. All the chocolate picked off first 
  1. Get in my face!!!!! 
  1. Nah, keep your marshmallow egg. Hehehe! 

Are your alarm clocks set for the Easter Bunny on Sunday morning folks?


 Dates to Diarise:

29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Break Up Day

12 April: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma and the Busy Bugs Assistants

Our Happy Bugs!

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