Rainbow, Black & Dark Grey
Recap, Star, Crescent
Mm – Mystical
What a magical week! We had the most amazing time discussing all things fantasy and fairy-tale!
The topics of our discussions this week were Fairies, Unicorns, Dragons, Pirates and Mermaids. We also discussed traditional fairy-tales and learned that almost all fairy-tales start with the words “Once upon a time…” and end with “and they all lived happily ever after.”
We are so impressed with how much our Busy Bugs actually know about fairy-tales and fantasy creatures and loved hearing their own thoughts and stories about everything we were learning about.
For art this week, we focused fully on getting things ready and beautiful for Art Expo next week.
We also made a stunning dragon using paper plates, and carboard cutouts from a different art piece.
Art Expo is exactly a week away folks! Make sure you get your tickets; it really is a night you will never forget!
And with all of that being said, remember to always let your conscience be your guide, Hakuna Matata, happily ever afters’ do exist, just keep swimming and all it takes to fly is faith, trust… and just a little pixie dust.
Next Week’s Theme: Art Expo prep- Tomahawks and Teepee’s, Boots and Bling.
No Show and Tell next week
Let us know on your class WhatsApp groups folks ... Are you part of the Indian TRIBE ... or do you with the Cowboys RIDE?
Dates to Diarise:
18 Oct: Art Expo
24 Oct: Break Up Day
25-28 Oct: Mid Term Break
29 Oct: Back to School