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Me and My Body

Jan 26, 2024


Me and My Body










“Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Knees and Toes!” What a fun week with an exciting theme to go along with it! We are very proud to say that our Bugs know all of their body parts, including some of the trickier ones like ankle, elbow and chest! We just love how practical and hands on this theme can be and we love the excited looks on our Bugs faces when they point excitedly to a body part they know!  

As a fun learning activity this week, the Bugs were each given a label from our theme board and asked to find and label the correct parts of Teacher Gemma. They of course thought this was the funniest thing ever and seeing Teacher Gemma at the end with labels stuck all the way from her hair to her toes made everyone laugh even more!  

We chatted about our moral theme, respecting other people’s personal space, and we all drew bubbles around us in the air. Our teachers explained that no one is allowed into your bubble if you don’t allow it. We then did an activity where we asked our friends for hugs. If they said it was okay, we moved into their space to give a hug. If they said no, we respected their choice. We also chatted about things like “What happens when your body gets hungry?” and then “Where does food go when you eat it?” Also, “what happens if you don’t brush your teeth?” We had a great time engaging their existing knowledge of the topic and then building on it. 

Even though our number for the week was 1, we can happily report that most of our Bugs can count up to 5. We played a game at ring time where each of them had to go find ONE RED thing in the class. What a fun game! We had red shoes, blocks and books! Well done, Busy Bugs! 

For our art activity this week, the Bugs got to roller paint onto a traced body shape on a BIG piece of paper. We then looked though magazines to find eyes, ears, a nose, a mouth and hands, which we cut out and stuck in the correct position on our big body. We used wool bits for the hair, collaged patterned pictures into a t-shirt and used a piece on fabric for the pants. 

We enjoyed a lot of “first’s” this week and the Bugs LOVED them all!  

We look forward to spending many more, happy weeks with these awesome Bugs!  

Have a great weekend and we will see you next week for one of our favourite themes!  

Next Week’s Theme: Me and my Senses 

Have a wonderful weekend!


 Dates to Diarise:

1 Feb: SS Term Meeting

8 Feb: Abacus Parent Training Evening

12 Feb: CC Term Meeting

14 Feb: Valentine’s Disco (during school)

15 Feb: Haircut Day

20 Feb: Fire Drill

21 Feb: HH Term Meeting

22 Feb: Mid-Term Break Up Day

23 – 26 Feb: Mid Term Break & Camping Weekend

27 Feb: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma and the Busy Bugs Assistants

Busy Bodies!

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