My Senses
This is always such a fun week, enjoyed by both teachers and Bugs! Sensory exploration is such an important part of childhood as it encourages learning through exploration, curiosity, problem solving and creativity. It builds nerve connections to the brain and encourages the development of language and motor skills.
When it comes to sensory exploration, nature is the best there is to offer!
Our Bugs had so much fun engaging their tactile sense by getting extremely messy this week, first with mezina and water mix, and then some fun messy art with paint mixed with rice. They also got to feel different objects and tell Teacher Sheryl if they were hard or soft, rough or smooth and cold or hot.
To engage their auditory sense, we had loads of fun with musical instruments, playing them loud and soft, hard and soft.
Teacher Gemma has really been missing her Busy Bugs and can’t wait to get back into class with them. A HUGE thank you to Teacher Sheryl for stepping up and taking the Bugs class.
Yummy ... and not so yummy!
Our favourite activity of the week focused on the gustatory sense, the sense of taste, which we combine with the olfactory sense, the sense of smell. The Bugs each got to first smell, and then taste salt, cinnamon, sugar and our favourites, vinegar, and lemon juice. The faces we see are absolutely priceless!
Dates to Diarise:
Mid-Term Break: 25th – 28th Feb
(no school, no Holiday Club)
Lots of love