Welcome To The Busy Bugs Blog

Occupations and Science

Apr 3, 2023


Occupations & Science


Blue & Yellow


Circle & Rectangle





Xx – X-Ray; Ee  – Explosion

“The real question about life should be “who do you want to be?” when you grow up, not what? Faith is the blueprint of our dreams, action is the builder.”

It is such a treat to be able to hear and listen to children’s plans for the future… they always have the most open minds and innocent thoughts and ideas and when you listen close enough, they may just alter the way you think about and process life and its decisions.

And this is exactly what we did this week.  We sat down to ask our Bugs who and what they wanted to be when they grow up, and the answers we got were priceless!  From Pilots to Princesses, Vets to Teachers, Firemen to Policemen, and Mommies and Daddies. We discussed EVERYTHING!!  From what the different occupations do during the day, to what they wear to work, the different protection needed for different jobs and how they help our everyday lives.

Friday dress-up day was so much fun! Thank you for dressing so beautifully Bugs!  You little people are such a huge inspiration to your teachers and we can’t wait to see how your future turns out and what you really grow up to be.

For art this week, we let the Bugs choose between 5 different hats, that are associated with 5 different jobs; Doctor/nurse, Fireman, Policeman, Builder and Chef. The Bugs got to colour in the hat of their choice and then us teachers stapled them to a piece of board to wear as a hat.

Have a lovely weekend.  

Lots of Love

The Busy Bugs Teachers and Assistants

Next Week’s Theme:

Science and Experiments

This is such a fun theme! The children love watching all the teachers run around, crazy professor style, making things fizz, bubble, melt, explode, glitter and whizz! We love it – it gives us a chance to be kids again too! What an EPIC WEEK!

This week we covered a few basic experiments, that the Bugs absolutely loved being a part of!

  • Magic flowers – kitchen paper roll and koki pen flowers, sprayed with water. We watched how the ink ran and mixed with the water to make beautiful bunches of flowers.
  • Invisible ink – we drew on paper with paintbrushes and lemon juice and then watched our drawings come to life when teacher heated the “ink” up with a flame – a great way to leave secret messages or make a treasure hunt!
  • Walking Rainbow- We used 6 cups, 3 with blue, yellow and red food colouring inside spaced with an empty cup between them. We then folded paper towel pieces into strips and bridged them between the cups with coloured water in, and then empty ones. The Bugs loved watching the water “walk” up and over the paper towel into the empty cup, and mix with the next colour along to make a whole new colour. Red and yellow merged to make orange, and yellow and blue merged to make green!
  • Sink and float – we explored which items would float and which ones would sink, and explained the concepts of heavy and light to the children.
  • Volcano – Teacher Gemma showed us how a volcano erupts using the volcano she made when she was at school. This Volcano erupts REAL fire! The Busy Bugs absolutely loved this!
  • Teacher Monette and Gemma also did a very funny experiment for the Bugs, that involved “moving water” from Teacher Gemma’s mouth, through a willing volunteer, and out of Teacher Monette’s mouth. If this isn’t making sense at all, don’t stress, we will send the video of the experiment. Hehe! The Bugs were absolutely speechless and had rather confused looks on their faces when we were done!


This is a wonderful theme, and opens up the minds and imaginations of the children so much. There are so many, very easy and cost effective science experiments to do with children at home and it really sparks their life long interests in the sciences! See if you can do some experiments with your children this weekend or over the holidays.

This week’s secret question: Who is your favourite science geek on “The Big Bang Theory” – Leonard, Raj, Howard or Sheldon?

Sharing our EcoLove this Easter ...


 Dates to Diarise:  

6 April: Haircut Day & Break Up Day

7 – 10 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Holiday Club Starts

27 April: Public Holiday (No Holiday Club)

28 April: Last Day of Holiday Club

1 May: Public Holiday (No Holiday Club)

2 May: Staff Return (No Holiday Club)

3 May: Term 2 Starts!


Lots of love

Teacher Gemma, Teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants

Our Bugs!

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