Farm Animals
Ff – Farm
This is always such a favourite with teachers and children alike! Who doesn’t love a good, loud version of Old Macdonald?! There is so much to discuss and learn and so much to see and do.
This week we learnt all about The Farm and The Farm’s Animals. We learnt all about the different noises these animals make, and the different names that the boy and girl animals have, such as hen and rooster or sheep and ram. We learnt the names of the baby animals, like chick, lamb and piglet! It was such fun pretending to be these animals at ring time! Our children have very vivid imaginations and have a lot of existing knowledge about farm animals.
We played tons of farm animal inspired games this week. We went on a nature walk to visit the horses and feed them some yummy carrots and have a quick ride on Frankie, and watch the ducks and swans swim on the pan. We made such a gorgeous piece of art this week but because it is just too cute, we are going to keep it for the art expo!
We did however, do a small side art piece on Friday for World Bee Day! The Bugs got to colour in a little Bee and stick it onto a bee hive.
Show and Tell this week went so well! Thank you Arwen for bringing your adorable little bunny toy for us to see, and Tally for bringing the cutest little lambs ever for us to see and cuddle! We can’t wait for the rest of your turns!
Just a reminder to please label things – everything – even if just with initials. We have had a few cases of jackets and beanies going missing but there are lots of repeat items in the school and sometimes children go home with the same / similar item that they may have at home. It takes a while to work its way through the wash and then even longer for the double to be spotted. If things are labelled it just makes life that much easier! There are many layers that come off during the day and at playtime the children tend to remove their own shoes / socks and jackets as they feel warmer so we cannot always keep track of every item. Once it is returned to our classroom with no name, we often have no idea who it belongs to. Speaking of shoes and socks, please encourage the children to keep their shoes on in the cold. There will always be the odd shoe or sock that gets taken off but if we could try keep feet warm during the cold winter months that would be great!
Please also get your concert clothes in ASAP. We got lots of work and fun things to do to them, so the sooner they are in, the better!
Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the colder nights where you can snuggle! Please keep safe and germ free!
Next week’s show and tell will be: Ayanda and Tadiwa
The theme next week is: Wild Animals and Birds of Prey.
World BEE Day!
BEE thankful, BEE positive, BEE cool …
But most of all …
BEE kind!
Dates to Diarise:
Haircut Day: 8 June
Hearing Tests: 13 June
Bike-a-Thon: 15 June
Public Holiday: 16 June
School Holiday: 17 June
Book Character Dress Up Day & Break Up Day: 24 June
Mid Term Week Break: 27 June (no school, no Holiday Club)
Back to School: 4 July
Lots of love
Teacher Gemma, teacher Monette and the Busy Bugs Assistants