Land, Air & Sea Transport
Jj- Jet
This week , we had real fun with our theme discussions. There was just so much to talk about , we discussed the different kinds of transports we get , and just what makes them different , we watched a few educational videos on these and we learnt about different kinds of transportation
For art this week , we did a follow the number aeroplane worksheet , that the kiddos had to colour , the kids put in so so so much effort and this was completed beautifully.
We also made our very own maps, we used this as a guided activity where the kids had to follow the simple instructions given to complete the map accordingly
This week we had our sports lessons with coach Trevor indoors because of the super chilly weather we had on Thursday. coach Trevor had the most amazing obstacles set up for the class.
This week we enjoyed our delicious baking Thursday ! We made cars out of finger biscuits and smarties , each child was over the moon excited to eat their yummy cars !!
Our focus on this activity was learning to spread icing with a knife and stuck small goodies on too.
Our Friday was filled with a super fun show and tell , where each child was just filled with so much excitement telling their friends about their cars and transports
We also ended our day off with sending Gerry home with our special lucky friend of the week …. Who will it be ??? ….
May everyone have a blessed weekend.
Next weeks theme : Caring for our world – Recycling
If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Dates to Diarise:
7 June: Haircut Day
15 June: Bike-a-Thon
16 June: Youth Day
23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day
23 June: Break Up Day
26, 27, 28, 20, 30 June: Mid Term Break
3 July: Back to School
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants