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Autumn, Birds, Migration, Easter

Mar 28, 2024


Autumn, Birds, Migration & Easter




Cross, Oval & Octagon


10 & Recap



Oo – Oval

We have has a super busy week trying to get all our beautiful Easter art together but also really concentrated on numbers this week. 

This week’s theme really highlighted how much progress the Crew are making. I love how we are now able to give them simple instructions and they are able to make their artwork their own! It was so cute to see the little bunny faces that they drew on their Easter card and how each little style of carrot drawing was different but similar, completely unique to each individual. This makes our teacher hearts so proud and I’m sure you as parents too! 

We put a lot of efforts into the cute little Easter art that we completed too and what better way to remember Easter 2024 than a special handprint. It’s a real little piece of treasure. 

As mentioned above, this week we focused all our activities on numbers. We did number writing 1 20 on white boards. I wrote the number first and showed them the correct formation in which to write their numbers. We had some lovely number writing but please still do little number writing activities at home, it makes a HUGE difference. The Crew also has to trace of number 1- 10 and we also did a fun little painting activity painting over numbers 1 10 with different colours and using ear buds. The colourful worksheet came out beautifully! We concluded our week of numbers with our first colour by numbers little bunny worksheet. Very proud of our Crew for doing really well in this colour by numbers activity! 

Cooking this week is no surprise but with a little surprise, we are making Rice crispy treat moulded into an egg with hidden jellybeans inside. DELICIOUS! I’m not too sure if the Crew are going to want to share this sweet Easter treat though.  

It’s with a sad heart we say farewell to Rileigh McCarthy as with will be her last week with her EcoKids Family. We wish you all the best on your new adventures Rileigh and we will miss your big smile and complimenting you on your cute little outfits each day. 

We hope that everyone has a beautiful and safe Easter, if you are travelling. We will see you all next week for an exciting week of Science and experiments. 

Next week’s theme: Science and Experiments 


Are your alarm clocks set for the Easter Bunny on Sunday morning folks?


 Dates to Diarise:

29 March – 1 April: Easter Weekend

11 April: Break Up Day

12 April: Holiday Club Starts


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our Happy Crew!

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