Welcome To The Curious Crew Blog


Oct 13, 2023




Rainbow, Black & Dark Grey


Recap, Star & Crescent





Mm – Mystical

The Curious Crew had one busy week with all the prep for our amazing art expo coming up ! Between that , we’ve enjoyed our daily morning rings where we have had so much fun discussing different stories and discussing our all time favourites , 

We’ve even taken the time for each child to do their very own puppet shows with their friends. This was an absolute hit and everyone loved being able to participate. 

We counted everyday , and focused on our shape and colour , we spoke about which two colours make grey and the different names for the shape of the week that we get.  


For art this week , we focused abit on our art expo art that we can not wait for !! And we can’t wait to show it off to all you parents. 

We also used our puppet shows for art this week , this ran over several days , and we are very proud of how hard everyone tried and the amazing stories that they come up with. It was so much fun to see and watch.



Today was Pom-Pom toes Day.

This activity promotes concentration, depth perception, hand eye coordination as well as strengthing the muscles in our feet and toes. A few little crew members were cheating and used their hands to place the poms poms between their toes.

Next weeks theme : Art Expo week!



We wanna know folks … who was your favourite ROCK STAR, POP STAR, BAND back in the day?


 Dates to Diarise: 

20 Oct: Art Expo

25 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (PP, HH, CC)

26 Oct: Mommy & Me Yoga (BB, SS)

26 Oct: Break Up Day

27, 28, 29 30 Oct: Mid Term Break

31 Oct: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants


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