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Land, Air and Sea Transport

Jun 7, 2024


Land, Air & Sea Transport









Jj – Jet

During ring time every morning we tried to get the Crew to use ’transport’ in the sentences they used when describing different types of transport. We want them to understand the concept of what transport means and that yes its cars and trucks and planes and boats but what are the purposes for these great machines? It was very funny to hear when asking the Crew how do we know where to go and we have never been there beforethe map on mommy and daddy’s phone. LOL Back in the day it was a book with addresses and road maps. But good answer Crew! 

We did another guided drawing activity this week, which the Crew really enjoyed! This time we did a drawing of a map. I love these kinds of activities as it is preparing the Crew for Grade R where they will have to copy sentences off of the board. This time in their guided drawing they got to colour in their work. It came out really beautifully! 

Our Curious Crew class symbol is a hot air balloon so how could we not do a little art activity to go with that! The Crew had to put their fine motor skills to the test so they weaved the baskets for the hot air Balloon. We will be keeping this little art project for Art Expo, they are too cute not to keep. 

When learning the shape of the week the shape poem goes as follows: 

I’m Danny Diamond 

I have 4 sides 

All of them  

Are diagonal lines. 

But what are diagonal lines? We showed the Crew with our arms, vertical line, then horizontal line and diagonal lines. Diagonal lines mean that they go at an angle. Please go over this with your child at home they really enjoyed the concept of know different line names. 

Last week our shape of the week was an Octagon and we didn’t have enough time to do an activity so we added it into this weeks work. I always describe an octagon with an octopus. An octopus has 8 legs and an octagon has 8 sides and is the same shape as a Stop sign on the road. When you are driving parents point out the 8 sided Stop street signs. 

This week for cooking we had such a super treat! Brownie Robots. Cut into rectangles with Skittal lights. The Crew got to mix the batter and put the brownies into the oven. Once they were out we decorated them and out them into bags for the Crew to enjoy at home. 

Thank you to everyone who has brought concert clothes so far. Please if you haven’t sent clothes. We need them ASAP to start decorating clothes. 

This week will be the first set of Letter Challenge letters to be sent home for homework. It is important to focus on the SOUND of the letters as well as letter recognition and formation. Good luck and enjoy this little bit of bonding time with your child. Their work will be marks and they will receive a sticker. 

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


We wanna know folks ... what is your DREAM car?


 Dates to Diarise:

14 June: Bike-A-Thon

16 June: Youth Day

17 June: Youth Day Holiday

19 June: Hearing Tests

28 June: Book Character Dress Up Day & Mid Term Break Up Day

8 July: Back To School




Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Tegan and the Curious Crew Assistants 

Our Crew!

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