Science & Experiments
Ee – Explosion
This week is always a firm favourite here at EcoKids! Seeing the amazement and excitement on the kiddos faces as they watch and perform experiments is just so awesome! As teachers we have seen these experiments time and time again but getting to watch the children see and experience them for the first time is what makes this week just magical.
This is what our busy week included:
A fun milk and food colouring experiment which the children loved.
We learnt all about and observed a sundial this week, so test your little one’s knowledge on different clocks and what a sundial is.
We did an awesome candle experiment where a candle covered in a jar sucks up the water beneath it. The kids thought this was magic!
We coloured in some flowers for you and your little one to do your very own experiment at home 🙂 send a picture on the group if you manage to do it.
We went on two nature walks this week where we collected some goodies that we will use for something we will be working on throughout the year.
During FunFit sports the Crew did sack races which are always so much fun and such a laugh! The kids loved this.
We started working on our special Easter art towards the end of this week which we are putting extra love into. Please don’t forget to bring a sock if you haven’t already.
We hope you have an awesome weekend!
And that's a wrap!
Next week is a short week as we close on Wednesday for the Easter holiday and the end of Term 1!
Wow can you believe it?
Dates to Diarise:
Break Up Day: 13 April
Holiday Club Starts: 19 April
Holiday Club Ends: 29 April
Term 2 Starts: 4 May