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The Farm: Farm Animals

May 26, 2023


The Farm: Farm Animals




Circle & Sphere





Ff – Farm

Theme discussions this week in the Curious crew consisted of the different farm animals that we get and what exactly their roles are on a farm. We also spoke about what kind of food product we get from each animal. We also watched a few educational videos on how we get wool from sheep. 

We also spoke about our 3D shape of the week , the Sphere and we discussed what we find in our day that’s a sphere shape. We focused a lot on our number of the week as well as our phonic letters. We recited the sound as well as the name of the letters 

For art this week , we did a cute little chick art piece , where each child was given an egg that had to colour in yellow and draw their own chicks , then a brown piece of paper over with a little hole and they had to rip open the paper showing the chick underneath  it was a very very cute activity !!

We also did a fun Reggio Emilio inspired farm yard activity, where each child had a turn to create their own farm using all different materials from nature. And the pieces that were created were absolutely beautiful and so so unique , this is definitely an art activity that will be used again. 


This week we had so much fun with coach Trevor , we ran fun races , recording our times and trying to beat our times each round. 


This week in heart matters , teacher Hela focused on us being able to read our friends facial expressions to determine their emotions. We also had to find different emotions in magazines and paste them on the correct posters 


Yoga day: 

We did a yoga story-song called “Going on a dragon hunt”. It works as a listening, sequencing and memory game. We listened to the instructions then demonstrated all the various poses, actions and  breath work in the story. At the end I asked the kids questions to see what they remembered. Our poses included: tree, boat, bridge, cow, frog, mouse and lion. 

May everyone have a blessed weekend. 

Next weeks theme : Land , Air and Sea Transport 

How did the farmer find his wife? He TRACTOR down!


 Dates to Diarise:  

Hearing Tests TBC

7 June: Haircut Day

15 June: Bike-a-Thon Day

16 June: Youth Day (Public Holiday)

23 June: Book Character Dress Up Day and Break Up Day

26, 27, 28, 29, 30 June: Mid Term Break

3 July: Back to School


Lots of love

Teacher Clarissa, Teacher Ash and the Curious Crew Assistants

Our Crew!

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