Under the Sea
Dark Blue
Circle / Cylinder
Uu – Under
There is always something new to learn when doing under the sea. There are so many different types of sharks in the sea, like Bullhead sharks and Lemon sharks…how interesting is that!!! We learnt about the coral reef and how each little piece of coral is a living animal and all the animals work together to make the coral reef using pieces of bone from fish and other sea creatures that have died. Parrot fish eat the coral and poop out what we now know as sea sand, we had a good laugh at that fact! We also told the kiddies that they are only allowed to pick up shells and coral if it has been washed up on the beach and not pick it out of the sea. Something different we discussed was using your 5 senses while you are at the beach. Please ask your child at home about using their senses while they were at the beach.
The Crew have some homework to do, please try and go to Dischem over the weekend and look for sponge that comes from the see, so your kiddie can see real coral sponges.
We have had two weeks of many activities exploring oceans and the other themes of the week. We started the week’s activities by making a little under the sea booklet. The Crew used different ocean books to see what they would like to put in their Ocean booklet and wow, I was amazed at the drawings these Crew came up with!
Even though we are hard at work with assessments, I have tried to make these activities fun for the Crew. When doing patterns, we painted a pattern caterpillar, and WOW it came out so beautifully and I think using the paint just made it come to life with colour.
It was also a week where I introduced rhyming words to the Crew. When reading rhyming books I will read and put emphasise on the first rhyming word and then the Crew have to try and guess the next rhyming word. At first they were a little unsure but the next day when I read a different rhyming book they started to try different words. YAY this is so amazing, they impress me every year! We also practiced some sight words, the sight word I use will stay the same as they are just an introduction.
We have also started name writing with the proper letter formation. The Crew listen well and are again being introduced to the correct way to write letters. This is very important for next year in Grade R! Please practice the SOUND of the letters at home as well as letter recognition putting emphasis on the sound.
During FunFit Sports last week, the Crew played Hop Scotch and had to listen to different instructions while jumping through the hoops. Switch on those listening ears Crew! This week in FFS we did assessments and in the week coming Coach Dave will be doing assessments for FunFit Sports.
This is our second last week of puzzle challenge, our last graph will go out next week Friday with certificates to everyone who participated and our top 3 Puzzle Challenge winners.
Next week’s theme: Cooking and Food
We Wanna Know ...
Who is your favourite character from The Little Mermaid?
Dates to Diarise:
8 Nov – Haircut Day
Week of 14 Nov during School – Shopping Day
16 Nov – HH Outing
18 Nov – CC Entrepreneur Market Day
23 Nov – SS Graduation
25 Nov – CC & SS Outing
5 Dec – Hooked on Books during School
6 Dec – Christmas Party
7 Dec – Break Up Day
Lots of love
Teacher Clarissa and the Curious Crew Assistants